Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

The Incredible Ruby Falls of Chattanooga, Tennessee

Ruby Falls is an underground waterfall in Tennessee, USA. It is part of the Lookout Mountains in Chattanooga. Ruby Falls is one of the most famous underground waterfalls in the world. The beauty of Ruby Falls makes anyone go 'WOW'.

Ruby Falls: History

Ruby Falls was discovered by Leo Lambert
Ruby Falls remained unnoticed till the 20th century. It seems really surprising how such an amazing place  was undiscovered for such a long time. It finally came to the public eye when Leo Lambert, a chemist and cave enthusiast who accidentally discovered the cave, got the idea of turning the place into a tourist attraction. Although his primary motive was entirely commercial, I think that we all should be thankful to the man for finding such an amazing place. Thus Leo Lambert started work to turn the place more tourist friendly and named it Ruby Falls, after his wife.

Ruby Falls: Formation

An Amazing View of Ruby Falls
About 200 million years ago, the area around Tennessee was covered by a shallow sea. The sea disappeared with time and sediments turned into the limestone rocks that are found in the area today. The ground water gradually carved caverns into the limestone including Ruby Fall Cavern that houses the Ruby Falls.

Lookout Mountain which houses the Ruby Falls
At the top of Lookout Mountain
The Ruby Falls is situated in the heart of the Lookout Mountain. An elevator takes visitors, 26 stories below the surface. The cave path is full of beautiful stalactites and stalagmites which makes the little journey more amazing.

Inside Ruby Cave

Ruby Cave lit up
The Ruby Falls is 145ft high. The rocks around the falls are cut to provide the tourists a better view of the waterfall. The lighting show adds immensely to the breathtaking beauty of the falls and fills the entire cavern with gentle hues. The stream from the fall drops in a pool on the floor. Don't try to drink the water of the spring, because although it is filtered through the rock, the large Magnesium content has made it a natural laxative. So, avoid ruining your further trip by a drink. ;)

Ruby Falls Photos

Ruby Falls Entrance
Ruby Falls illuminated


Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

25 Amazing Earth Facts You Should Know

Planet Earth is undoubtedly the most incredible planet in the entire universe. Learn about the most amazing Earth facts that makes our planet such a wonderful place to be. 

Earth Facts

1. The Earth is the only planet that is not named after a Greek God. The name 'Earth' comes from Anglo-Saxon, originally meaning ground or soil.

2. Earth is not round. The Earth is not flat either. Rather it is an oblate spheroid. This only means that the earth is not a perfect sphere but is flat at the North and South poles.

3. Our Earth is the densest planet in the solar system. At an average density of 5.5 g/cm, our world beats all the other planets when it comes to being the densest. Scientists believe that the massive amounts of iron in our planet’s core is what makes it so dense.

4. Earth's rotation is slowing down with time. This means that days are getting longer and longer. Thus an extra second, called a leap second is added after every few years to account for the Earth's slow rotation.

5. The Earth actually has two moons. The second moon which is actually the asteroid 3753 orbits the earth. It was discovered in 1986 and is dubbed as the "Earth's Strange Companion". The asteroid is unique in the fact that it has a horse shoe orbit.

6. Life on Earth is largely due to the Moon. According to a theory, life originated in tidal waves which are created by the Moon's gravitation. Another one suggests that tides may have set up conditions for sea creatures to transition and become the first land animals. Yes, we all should be thankful to the Moon.

7. The Earth had a twin brother, Theia. It was roughly the size of Mars and the two planets shared a single orbit until they both collided. Theia was absorbed by Earth and the remaining mass created the Moon. The mass donated by Theia gave Earth the gravity necessary to sustain a substantial atmosphere.

8. Earth's core is made up of a solid ball of iron 1,500 miles wide. Although, it is white hot, the enormous pressure at the planet's heart is what keeps the iron ball solid.

9. Everybody knows the great Mount Everest. Standing at an impressive 29,035 feet, it is the tallest mountain on Earth. However, due to fact that the earth is not really a perfect sphere, anything at the equator is at a slightly greater distance from the Earth's center. This means that Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador, at 20, 564 feet, is taller than Mount Everest by about 1.5 miles.

10. If you could evaporate all the water out of all the oceans and spread the resulting salt over all the land on Earth, you would have a five hundred-foot layer coating everything.

11. Our Earth is the only planet in the milky way that comes with tectonic plates.

12. The Earth is dubbed as the 'Blue Planet'. This is because of the blue color of the oceans that cover almost 70% of our planet.

13. The Earth is not only a planet that supports life, it itself is a living organism. According to the Gaia Hypothesis, the Earth is an organic system which has the ability to self-regulate in order to maintain life. Researches are on the way to prove the hypothesis and with the recent advancements, we are very close to know if the Earth is really alive or not.

14. The driest place on Earth is the Atacama desert in South America. The average rainfall in the Atacama is 0.004 inches per year. Which means that it gets only 4 inches of rain in a thousand years. The last time rain was recorded in the area was in the mid 1700's.

15. The deepest point on Earth is the Mariana Trench. The trench is so deep, that even the Mount Everest can sink in it.

16. The longest place name in the world is Krung thep maha nakorn amorn ratana kosin­mahintar ayutthay amaha dilok phop noppa ratrajathani burirom udom rajaniwes­mahasat harn amorn phimarn avatarn sathit sakkattiya visanukamprasit (155 letters) in Thailand. It means:
The land of angels, the great city of immortality, of devine gems, the great angelic land unconquerable land of nine nobel gems, the royal city, a pleasant capital place of the Royal Palace, eternal land of angels and reincarnated spirits predestined and created by the highest Devas.”
If you think you never knew this place, then let me tell you that it is one of the most famous cities in the world. The one we call, Bangkok.

17. Earth is the brightest planet in the solar system. This is because sunlight is reflected off the water in our oceans. That's probably why it is called the 'Blue Marble'.

18. The Amazon Rainforest is the most bio diverse place on Earth. One in ten of all species on Earth are found here.

19. The vast oceans that cover about 70% of our Earth are filled with riches. These mighty seas hold more than 20 million tons of gold. But unfortunately the precious metal is so heavily diluted that each litre of seawater contains 13 billionths of a gram of gold. So, think again before you dive in for the treasures.

20. Antarctica is the Earth's ice box. The frozen continent contains almost 90% of all the ice and 70% of all the fresh water on the planet. It has as much ice as the Atlantic ocean has water.

21. Earth grows 1 cm every 100 years. This is because of the dust from space.

22. Only 1% of the total land is inhabited by humans.

23. Earth's gravity varies from place to place. This is due to the uneven distribution of the Earth's mass.

24. Our atmosphere is not just a bunch of gases. It is much more than that. The atmosphere is made up of seven layers, each with its own particular function. For examples, the first one is the troposphere. This is where all the weather activities take place.

25. Our Earth is at a distance of approximately 93 million miles from the sun. This means that light from the sun takes about 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach us.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

10 Pictures of Weird Cloud Formations

Check out our collection of the weirdest cloud formations and rise your head in amazement.

Lion in Clouds
The Lion King of the skies

Bunny in clouds
Bunny on the hop!

Cloudy hand
There's no better helping hand than this one.

Elephant in clouds
Elephant in sky
Fish in the clouds
Something fishy...

Face in Clouds
Head above the clouds

Shark in clouds

Cone in clouds
I always wished for a lick of this one...

Smiley in clouds
Keep calm and smile :)

UFO in clouds

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Top 15 Valentine's Day Fun Facts

Valentine's day is the festival of love and emotions. Check out our weirdest Valentine's day fun facts to make the day more special for you and your loved one.

1. More than 50 million roses are exchanged worldwide on Valentine's day each year.

2. 73% of the flowers bought on Valentine's day are by men. While only 27% are bought by women.

Saint Valentine

3. Valentine's day is named after Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. But few people know that he was also the patron saint of greetings, travelers, young people, and even epilepsy, plague and bee keepers.

4. The letter 'X' first symbolized a kiss in medieval times. It is believed that people who could not write their names, signed with an 'X'. The 'X' was then kissed to show their emotions.
Valentine's Day Facts
5. 15% US women send flowers to themselves on Valentine's day.

6. Survey shows that most girls prefer a good dinner over any other gift. So, book a table and score points!

7. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of telephone, patented his invention on the Valentine's day. So, Valentine's day gave us telephones. Penicillin was also introduced on Valentine's day.

8. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew the names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned on their sleeves for one week. This was done so that it becomes easy for other people to know your true feelings. This was known as "to wear your heart on your sleeve".
Valentine's day Red Roses
9. Red roses are the most popular gifts on Valentine's day. Red has traditionally been the color of love and symbolizes strong emotions. Thus, red roses are thought to be the perfect objects to show off the adornment on the special day.

10. If you're a teacher, then we have a good news for you on Valentine's day. According to a study, Teachers receive the most number of Valentine cards. Each year, children between 6 and 10 give about 650 million cards to their teachers.

11. In Germany, young girls would plant onions in a pot on Valentine's Day, and place the name of a boy next to each onion. They believed that they would marry the boy whose name was nearest to the first onion to grow.

12. During the 1700's, girls in England would eat a hard boiled egg, along with the shell, on Valentine's day eve. Doing so, they hoped that they would dream their future husband that night.

13. Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare's play lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters every year sent to Juliet on Valentine's Day.

14. Contrary to the common conception, more than 50% women don't find Valentine's day romantic at all. Even worse, more than 75% doesn't like being proposed on Valentine's day. So, think twice if you're planning to do so.

15. Recent surveys revealed that on average, men spend about $158 dollars on Valentine's day. This is twice as compared to the $75 spend by women. Now, whose got the bigger heart? ;)

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Weird Weapons: 6 Incredible Animals Used as Weapons of War

Animals have always accompanied men at war. They have carried our soldiers and pulled our cannons. If you think that's all, then check out these stories of some of the craziest uses of animals in war.

Anti tank Dogs

Anti Tank Dogs

This is one of the worst examples of war brutality. Anti tank dogs were first developed by the Soviet Union to take down German tanks during World War II. The idea was simple yet effective. Dogs were trained to find food under tanks and then starved before a battle. The dogs were then released in battle, jumping under tanks hoping for food. Each dog carried a 10-12 kg bomb which had a lever that detonated the bomb when the dog dived under the tank.

According to Soviet sources, the results was quite impressive. The anti tank dogs managed to destroy about 300 German tanks. But it also had its drawbacks. One of the most serious problems was that the dogs were often frightened by gun fires and returned to the trenches, killing Soviet soldiers. To tackle this, Soviet soldiers were ordered to shoot any returning dogs.
Thus, Soviets dropped the use of anti tank dogs in 1942. USA also used the strategy against fortification.

Bat Bombs

Bat Bombs

The bat bomb can sound something out of a fiction novel, but bats actually carried bombs during World War II. The bizarre notion was sparked in the mind of Lytle Adams, a Pennsylvanian dentist who carried interests in much more than teeth.
After watching the news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Adams came up with an unusual strategy againstthe island nation. He visualized the use of bats to spread incendiaries in Japanese cities. Surprisingly, the idea was very well appreciated as most of Japanese houses were made up of flammable materials like wood and paper and Adam's method would likely cause chaos without many casualties. Also bats were quite suitable for the project as they could carry loads equal to their own weight.
The plan was to capture bats and put them into cooled containers where they would hibernate. Small bombs were then attached to the bat's backs. The containers were dropped from high altitudes. The containers would in mid air, releasing thousands of bats at a time. At daytime, the bats would look for dark places, most of them settling in the attics of houses. The bombs will be activated by a timer, burning whole Japanese buildings to the ground.
The U.S military tested Adam's theory, spending around $2 million on the project. But after only a single year in testing, the idea was dropped as it was believed that it was important to focus on a much more effective weapon, the atomic bomb.

Mare Distraction

Mare Distraction

One of the most effective war strategies is to distract your enemy's war efforts. This strategy has been used for centuries, but one man in the ancient world took it one step further.
King Thutmoss III is the one of the greatest Pharoahs of ancient Egypt. The military led his army in countless battles and built the largest egyptian empire.
The King of Kadesh, a dynasty in what is now Syria, feared to lose his kingdom to Thutmoss. He needed to find the weak link in Thutmoss' forces in order to save his throne. And that is what he actually found.
The King of Kadesh came up with a weird yet intelligent move. He knew that Thutmoss rode on a chariot pulled by stallions. That is where he found the weak link. Right in the heart of the battle, King Kadesh set loose a mare in heat as a distraction.
Ancient records show that the idea worked well, causing a total disrupt among enemy lines. The move became quite famous and was widely used at the time.

Explosive Rats

Rat Bombs

In 1941, Britain had almost no hope in World War II. They had to come up with something to keep their chances alive. The British were looking for something that could put the Germans on the back foot and so they came up with the Rat bomb.
What really was the rat bomb? Well, that's an easy question. The rat bombs were nothing but actual rat carcasses filled with explosives. The British hoped that if their rat bombs could reach the German coal supplies, they could be shoveled into the boilers along with the coal, detonating by the heat. It was estimated that the bombs could cause a serious damage to German infrastructure.
Bad luck for the British that the Germans soon found out about the plans and the plan was dropped.

Cat Guidance System

Cat Bombs

Before all the sophisticated guidance systems, the Americans came up with the wackiest solution to guide their missiles to the target. Cats have a natural abhorrence for getting wet. So, a U.S military mastermind came up with the thought that if a cat be attached to a bomb and dropped in the vicinity of an enemy ship, the cat's instinct to avoid water would help guide the bomb to the target.
Amazingly enough, the so called 'genius' never really explained how a little creature like the cat could guide a huge bomb. There were also many more variables that remained unanswered and that is probably why the plan never got past the drawing table.

Monkeys on Fire

Monkeys in war

Monkeys have always had their special place because of their unusual intelligence. No wonder, they've been used in wars for a long time.
The first known use of monkeys in war was in ancient China. In a battle between between the Southern Song forces and an army of the Yanzhou, monkeys were used as live incendiary devices. They were clothed in straw, dipped in oil and set on fire. The panicked creatures were then set loose in enemy camps, causing fire in the tents.

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Obamadon: Lizard Now Bears Barack Obama's Name

A recently discovered extinct lizard species have been named 'Obamadon', after the American President Barack Obama.

The 44th American President Barack Obama has earned himself another honor (after the American presidency and the Noble prize for peace). He now has a lizard species named after him i.e Obamadon.
The small insect eating lizard lived about 65 million years ago but was wiped out with the rest of the dinosaurs. It was discoverd in 1974 in Montana. The lizard was earlier classified as Leptochamops denticulatus but recent study showed that it was actually a new species.
It was not the president's dynamic personality that urged the researcher at the Yale University to give the lizard his name. It was rather his toothy smile.
The name given to the lizard is 'Obamadon Gracilis'. Where 'Obamadon' means Obama's teeth and Gracilis means slender.
"The lizard has these very tall, straight teeth and Obama has these tall, straight incisors and a great smile," said Nick Longrich, a paleontologist at the school in New Haven, Connecticut.
The researchers had to wait until the American elections to name the lizard.
"It would look like we were kicking him when he's down if he lost and we named this extinct lizard after him," Nick Longrich.
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